winnipeg-at-night-2010Affectionately known as the “Gateway to the West”, Winnipeg is the largest and capital city of the province of Manitoba in Canada. Its name was said to be derived from the Western Cree word wi-nipe-k meaning “muddy waters”. Historical accounts have recorded many important dates including the year 1738 when the French traders constructed the city’s first fort called Fort Rouge, 1809 when Fort Gibraltar was built by the North West Company and 1812 when Fort Douglas was also constructed by Hudson’s Bay Company. These forts, however, have greatly helped in the metropolitan’s trading industry up until today.

While trading has taken up 15.2% of Winnipeg’s employment records, other sectors have also been part and parcel of the city’s total economy. These sectors include 9.8% in manufacturing, 7.7% in educational and 15.2% in health care and social assistance.

In 2008, however, it has been recorded that 54,000 individuals are employed in public sectors while in the year 2014 an estimated 416, 700 people are employed in the various sectors. Moreover, various government and government funded institutions like the Manitoba Hydro, Health Science Centre and the University of Manitoba are major human resource employers. Private sectors, on the other hand, include the Manitoba Telecom Services, Magellan Aerospace and Boeing Canada Technology.